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Dallas City Remote Learning Plan


Dallas Elementary District 327 Remote Learning Days


Dallas Elementary School District 327 students and staff will engage in Remote Learning days when emergency days are implemented by the District.  Emergency Days may be used due to extreme weather conditions and other extenuating circumstances that occur during the school year to ensure student health and safety. Remote Learning will provide learning opportunities to ensure students receive continuous access to instructional materials and resources.  They will also better prepare all students for future work in post-high school learning that will involve technology and alternative forms of instructional delivery that do not always occur in a Pre-K-8th grade setting.

The District will ensure access to instructional materials for all students and that the specific needs of all students are met, including special education students and English Language learners.  In addition, the District will ensure that all mandates are met using the E-learning program. 

Program Expectations: 

  • Teachers and students in 3rd – 8th grades have become accustomed to using electronic platforms to access and submit assignments. Teachers will post assignments on their designated platform, for example, Google Classroom. These will be reviewed with students during class so they are aware of the expectations and how to access assignments and check-in. Chromebooks will be sent home with students in advance, if possible, to test the assignment retrieval and submission process as well as check-in for attendance purposes. Technology assistance will be available to students and staff via email or phone call to the school office between 9 am to 2 pm.

  • Students in Grades 3-8 will be supplied with Chromebooks to be able to access lessons, instruction, materials, etc.  Students in Grades 3-8 without internet access at home, will be furnished home learning day folders instead. Students in grades Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd grade will be furnished with home learning day folders that contain all the lessons and needed materials for their instructional learning day experience.  Teachers of students in PreK-2nd grade will also use an online platform called SeeSaw to provide activities and communication between students and the teacher.  SeeSaw will be used to supplement the classwork for students with internet availability at home.  All staff members are issued district-owned Chromebooks and/or laptops and proper materials to implement Remote Learning days.

  • As a guideline for student work on Remote Learning days:

    • MS students will be provided approximately 30 minutes of work per class.

    • Elementary students will be provided approximately 15 minutes of work per subject.

  • Teachers will provide appropriate and meaningful lessons online or paper/pencil format.  Lessons will be specific to the grade level.  Lessons will cover all subjects including, science, social studies, math, reading, writing, PE, art, and music.  

    • Lessons will try to integrate as seamlessly as possible with the regular instruction that has been occurring in class.  Tasks should be meaningful and important to students.

    • Utilize digital tools and platforms students are using as part of their regular instruction.

    • Include formative assessments and feedback on assignments.

    • Due dates will be listed with each assignment.

  • Attendance will be determined by guidelines set forth in the Student Handbook. Students must check-in with the teachers daily and participate in online classes to be counted as “present”.  Teachers will be responsible for reporting student absence to the elementary secretary.  Building administrators will monitor student participation in Remote Learning and reach out to students to check on their access and progress.

    • Attendance may also consist of participation in online discussions, submissions of traditional work, or online assessments. Students in Grades 3-5 will be provided all hardware and software needed to complete their assignments.  When possible, those with paper and pencil work will be supplied with materials and be sent home with students prior to the Remote Learning day. 

    • Students will be given 2 school days to complete assignments assigned on a Remote Learning day taken in lieu of an emergency day.

    • If school is not in session the following day or school is closed for an extended period of time, students completing paper assignments may drop them off in the dropbox outside of the main entrance.  

  • Teachers in Grade 3-8 will post their lessons electronically by 9:00 a.m., via the teacher designated platform, accessible by both students (3-8) and parents (K-8).  Whenever possible, the District will anticipate such days and be proactive in the approach that they take with lessons and tasks.

  • Teachers, support staff, and administrators are expected to be present/available electronically from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Remote Learning days.  Teachers will answer questions in the order they are received.  Please be patient as teachers try to meet the needs of all students.

  • Students with individualized education plans will follow lessons provided by classroom teachers and those modified by their caseworkers online or otherwise (hard copies, projects, reading, etc.)  All lessons will be appropriate and follow the students’ IEP guidelines as well as class schedules.

    • Caseworkers will include in the students’ IEP, the needed (if any) accommodations that would be implemented on the day that Remote Learning takes place.

    • Classroom teachers and caseworkers will collaborate via email and/or designated platform to ensure lessons are appropriately modified and accommodations are being provided.

  • Accommodations for students without access to the internet will be addressed on an individual basis. 

  • Building principals, through the use of correspondence, will gain feedback of the Remote Learning days and work with staff, students, and parents to evaluate the program and implement changes where necessary.

  • Parents will be notified of Remote Learning days through the use of social media as well as the District’s all call notification system. 

Remote Learning assignments are treated like every other assignment given in class.  They are expected to be completed, otherwise, the student will not receive credit and the student’s grade will be negatively impacted. Any issues that arise during the program will be communicated to the administration.