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Remote Learning Guidelines and Expectations



Remote Learning Guidelines and Expectations (K-8) 

A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Remote Learning 

As students transition to remote learning opportunities at Dallas City Elementary School, we need to be mindful of appropriate behavior when using video conferencing and two-way communication applications such as Zoom and Google Meet. Our positive school climate must extend into our new reality with remote learning. Please help your child maintain this climate by adhering to the following: 


Be respectful and school-appropriate at all times 

Please monitor your children as they access the online learning environment. Be mindful that live lessons are typically 30-minutes or less, so students need to refrain from disrespectful or disruptive behavior in the virtual classroom. Teachers reserve the right to mute students whose behavior interrupts the learning environment. 


Be present and mindful of others 

Please prepare your children to be engaged in the virtual learning classroom prior to each live lesson. It may be helpful for students to have a good breakfast or snack prior to morning lessons and a good lunch or snack prior to afternoon lessons. Encourage your children to use the bathroom prior to logging in to each lesson to avoid unnecessary interruptions. 


Practice active listening 

Active participation in a virtual learning environment can be tricky as only one voice can come through at a time. Students who are able to write may use the chat feature to type questions or comments during a live lesson. Please help your children get used to this feature and to the virtual learning environment by either talking with your child about how it works or hosting your own Google Meet with your child(ren) from different rooms in your house. Teach children how to mute themselves, use the chat feature, and how to enter into conversations by waiting for a pause in the discussions. 


Be punctual 

Because live lessons will be less than 30 minutes, please make sure to log in a few minutes prior to the start time of the lesson. This will allow lessons to start on time and give students the best learning experience possible. If your child is unable to attend a lesson, please email his/her teacher so the teacher is not concerned about your child’s lack of attendance. Teachers will be recording their lessons and sharing them with their classroom families. Of course, it is best for students to participate in the live lessons in most cases, but we do understand that this will not always be possible. 


Be aware of your surroundings 

Find a place in your residence that is free from distractions where you can also be comfortable and focus on connecting with your class. Be mindful of your surroundings and what may be seen while you are on video and remove noisy distractions like pets, TV, and music. Help your child learn to mute his/her microphone when not speaking. 


Speak clearly 

Help your child practice speaking clearly in the virtual classroom setting. This may take some practice, as younger students don’t always have an understanding of how their voice sounds through a mic. Have some fun practicing this with your child and getting them used to hearing themselves speak into a mic prior to joining a virtual classroom. 


Respect privacy 

As you support your child’s remote learning, please be mindful of the privacy of other students in the class. Younger students will require time to adjust to this environment and may forget they are on camera and do or say something silly. Please encourage your children to be especially patient and empathetic to others as they learn and grow as remote learners. 


Recording of class activities by anyone other than the teacher is prohibited. Neither the student nor parent may record, share, or alter the content of live class-related activities. Students may not record any live activity with other students when that activity is for the purpose of school-related work unless express permission is provided by a school official. In cases where a teacher does record a class lesson, he or she will make that recording available only to the students in the class. This posting will happen through secure means. Any sharing of that recording by anyone other than a school official is prohibited. 


Dress appropriately

Though we understand that remaining in your homes encourages a more relaxed dress code than the school environment, please follow the dress code guidelines in order to create a learning environment free of distractions. If your child would not wear something to school, he/she should not wear that item during a live lesson.